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yellow selections for cocktail

Yucky toenails - help!
Hi IM's,

Sorry for TMI but I've got two yellow toenails and I don't know how to fix it!! The one on my big toe has come off twice..


I'm wondering if anyone has had success with a natural home remedy? I've had it for a while but have been pregnant then breastfeeding for the past two years so can't use lamisil (I think that's it) or any of the chemist treatments so it's getting worse. I've shown my GP & you can take nail samples and they get an oral treatment made up but it takes time, and again, not until I'm not breastfeeding. I know I could just stop bf but hubby & I are planning on bub number two shortly so wouldn't want to take anything anyway. yellow selections for cocktail

I have googled of course & am currently putting apple cider vinegar on daily, not sure if it's working. I suppose it's not getting better but not getting worse either.. maybe I just need to keep persevering.

It's really unsightly & I'm trying to deal with it over winter when my feet are hidden. It's awful in summer though wearing thongs. I find myself keeping polish on to hide it which probably then makes it worse again!

Any advice from anyone who has had the same problem would be much appreciated! Xx


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Question: Yucky toenails - help! Hi IM's, Sorry for TMI but I've got two yellow toenails and I don't know how to fix it!! The one on my big toe has come off twice..theimperfectmum.com.au