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gold mermaid dress

We are all made of beauty, pain, life, death and the magical in-between. We are all so human it hurts sometimes, and other times it feels like summer awakening.

This image is why I create - to express that, to discover more about why we are alive. I made this when I was supposed to be packing for Spain. I had a great trip there these past 3 days, eating the best food in my life and meeting the kindest, most welcoming people ever.

Now I am in Italy taking a little holiday as I explore a literal palace and make friends with the family who runs it. Life is so unexpected. Yesterday, for example, I modeled in a princess dress and then 5 minutes later got pooped on by a bird. There is so much to explore! I left my phone back in the States so I'll be a little bit quiet enjoying the country where my family comes from. gold mermaid dress